Monday, December 17, 2007

Teaching Students your subject through IT

Teaching Students your subject with IT
Musings of a Teacher trying to make his subject relevant today
By Yusuf

Ever since Ive started handling classes here at the school I manage, ive noticed that since most of the students here are graduate of public high schools, i really felt the impact of mis-education of these students during their elementary and high school education. Normally public students in Metro manila are jampacked into classes of 50 nay even as high as 75 students per class. so in this context... how do you expect them to fully learn?

Ive been teaching in this school (asian academy) for three years and i've been teaching General education subjects, particularly the english 1 to english 4. It was quite frustrating during the first semesters as I was still trying to find a way to be able to make students cope up with English in College. at times, i would even teach them my subjects elementary English (the English that I use to teach my Korean students). Until i realized two semesters ago that why not utilize blogging?

Right now, I made almost all of my students do their schoolwork and assignments by either e-groups (for my non-english subjects) and letting my students blog (provided its done in English) right now my English 2 and Biology 101 students are blogging it out ... and they are enjoying it while learning.....

I do hope that others will also learn that blogging is a good way to teach your students to learn.


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